Unigo One Data Logger Kit 1

Unigo One Data Logger Kit 1

Regular price £378.00

• Wi-Fi, BT, BLE, NFC, USB
• Built-in Li-Ion battery
• GPS with internal antenna
• Audio voice feedback
• Flexible inputs for direct sensor connections
• Multiple temperature inputs
• Built-in acc/gyro for steering wheel position
• Bigger display with better contrast and fast update
• 5 programmable very high brightness warning LED lights
• Separate better / worse LED lights
• Software adjustable RPM input
• Slim design

Includes USB/Charger cable, RPM wire, Charger

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Reason one

RPM racing engines pride ourselves on excellence.  We use the latest machinery and equipment ensuring all engines are built with precision and to the highest standards.

Reason two

Our mobile support vehicle provides technical help,  spares and works hire engines at all major karting events in the UK.

Looking to enhance your engine?

Here at RPM Racing Engines we pride ourselves on achieving the highest results, going above and beyond expectations to give you the best possible outcome for your engine.